Before you go out and buy a dog there are a lot of things to consider. Is the garden big enough? Is there always someone around to take it for walks? Are you going to take it on holiday with you, or put it in kennels? A happy dog can give you years of happiness. Dogs can be expensive to keep, injections when they’re puppies, then a booster every year. If you’re not going to breed from your dog, neutering it is also expensive. Don’t overfeed your dog with scraps, cheese, chocolate and milk isn’t good for your dog. If you take your dog out in the car, always keep a window slightly open; take a bowl and plenty of water with you, especially if it’s hot.

Before you get a dog, there’s actually a lot of things you should consider. First, do you have a yard for it, or will you have to leash walk your dog for him to get some exercise? Will your schedule allow for enough walks and exercise? Will you take your dog on vacation with you? Can you afford vaccinations and other vet care?

And one of the most important factors in owning a dog: Do you have the time and dedication to put into training? Just like parents and children, dog owners love to show off well behaved dogs. And a few tricks like giving high fives or dancing for treats are usually considered cute bonuses. On the other hand, an untrained dog can make both your life and the dog’s life a nightmare.

Imagine this: your mother comes over with your small niece…and your 105 pound Labrador tries to jump up on this small child! Now, he’s not being mean – just interested and happy to see a new person! The problem, though, is a large dog like this can unintentionally hurt an adult by jumping up on them. If a large dog gets overly exuberant with small children, kids can be hurt simply because of the size of the dog, especially if they get knocked down. And if you’re having guests for dinner, or trying to sell your home…well, you get the idea.

Now imagine the same dog, who is well behaved and does basic things like “Sit” on command. That kind of dog is a true joy to be around. With the proper training, a dog can be welcomed just about anywhere. That’s the kind of dog that becomes a true family member. The kind of dog that can be around children and guests without being mortified at their bad behavior.